
An aggregated directory of materials and tools to help decarbonize the world.


Resources in our directory are selected for their ability to support one or more of the three pillars of climate action: adaptation, mitigation, and restoration.

Directory listings are organized in alphabetical order, and each resource is identified as readily available, newly deployed, or in development.

Revisit traditional resources and discover entirely new ones, which can prompt questions for industry subject matter experts to take you deeper.

Collaborate with large & small suppliers to help them develop the new resources we need to decarbonize the world, faster.

Climate Action Resources - Lot21

Climate adaptation resists the harmful effects of climate change
by deploying more resilient solutions.

Climate mitigation reduces the carbon emitting sources in the
built environment that contribute
to climate change.

Climate restoration removes the excess carbon that already exists
in our atmosphere and is
warming our planet.